When I get into creative mode, my studio looks like a bomb hit it.
For example, when I am in sun catcher design mode, I have a ridiculous number of melting pans and material sorting containers spread over every square inch of work surface in the studio.

In the past, all my whatnot design tools and supplies were bundled up in large bins that had to be rolled in and out of a storage closet in the hallway outside my studio.

These assorted large bins were then spread all over the studio, and I had to dig through them to find the stuff I needed to design new whatnots. My only work surface was the desk... which is already loaded with computer equipment, printers and file sorters.

That scenario has now changed!
Last fall I completely reorganized the studio by installing a new IKEA furniture solution that includes two large storage cabinets with display shelves, plus a large, ajustable work table and rolling drawer unit.
Added to the existing, L-shaped desk already in place, I now have have an amazing setup.

Purchasing and installing the new cabinets was just one step towards getting the studio better organized. Figuring out how to store all my assorted whatnot building tools and supplies into those cabinets was another matter.
I started by emptying all my night light and sun catcher design materials, i.e, melting pans, supply trays and small bins, into the right side cabinet. While everything fit nicely, I still found it needed help. Perhaps another shelf? Hmmm?

Undeterred, I went ahead and spent the week around Christmas building a plethora of new night lights and sun catchers... making one hell of a mess in the studio while I was at it. But that's ok... I can close the door and walk away any time I want to hide the mess.
That is, until cleaning day rolls around. Then I have to madly put everything away where it belongs so that the wonderful cleaning folks at Maid Magically in Chilliwack, can dust, wipe and vacuum away my mess. And trust me, after being in creation mode, a regular cleaning is a must!

Once the sun catcher supply cabinet was organized, I still had the second, left side cabinet to deal with. That one was already jam packed with large bins, holding a full assortment of other smaller bins, containers and misc. stuff.
This yet-to-be-organized cabinet holds all my material and supplies for design, carving, building, painting and embellishing little fairy/gnome doors and mini garden furniture whatnots.
Somehow, I had to get all those little bins of whatnot supplies better accessible in their new storage cabinet home.

Well, to clarify, the cabinet holds the supplies not already stashed away in large, wire basket drawer units, in the vicinity of my garage workbench. I do the really messy, dirty, dusty whatnot projects out there.

Then I had a brainstorm!
I headed off to Canadian Tire and found an inexpensive, relatively large, clear poly drawer unit. It now holds all those little bins and assorted other supplies for building, painting and embellishing mini garden items.
Voila... pull out a drawer, and there are all the little containers and tools, easy to see and readily accesible.

Of course, I couldn't totally eliminate some stacks of bins... but at least they are now better organized. The tall stack to the right is all "paint" and painting supplies... while down below are bins of assorted wood parts and pieces for carving and furniture building.

Once I get into creative mode, you can bet all those assorted small bins and tools will be spread over every available work surface. But that's to be expected when in creative mode. At least they can now be quickly cleaned up and stored away where they belong come cleaning day!
After removing a shelf to accommodate the drawer unit in the left side studio cabinet, I was able to make use of it over in the sun catcher supplies cabinet. It's amazing the difference one shelf made to getting this cabinet better organized, with less bin stacks to shuffle around.

Now that all my supplies have found storage homes, it's time to get busy and finish off this table full of ready-to-assemble sun catchers and night lights.
Once I gathered all those recent whatnot design parts together in one place, it became obvious just how crazy pants I went in design mode recently! Yikes... I've got my work cut out for me! That's a whole lot of whatnots to finish off.

When I look around the studio now, I can't be happier with what I see.
The gallery wall and sitting area is tucked inside the door, and I can admire it from both my desk and work table.

The large L-shaped corner desk serves as my office, computer design setup, printing zone, and whatnot design workspace.

The new supply cabinets, adjustable work table and display shelves hold all the multitude of things that make me happy.

The Typewise WhatNot Studio has come together quite nicely.
I absolutely love spending time in this fabulous new workspace. It's most definitely become my favorite room in the house.
If you're in the vicinity, let me know if you'd like to check it out. I love nothing better than to sit back, drink coffee, and talk whatnots!