Sep 20 - Oct 22
I'll be heading back to Europe for a month this fall... this time to explore the countries bordering all the rivers between Amsterdam and Bucharest. I'll even get a chance to visit Dracula's Castle in Transylvania before heading back to Canada. I'll no doubt get my doodle juices flowing again, and it'll be a surprise to all of us as to what my pen and brain create. See you again in November!
May 14 - Jun 12
Hubby and I will be off exploring Ireland, Scotland and the Baltic this spring... which means the WhatNot shop will be closed May 14th to June 12th. Come visit me along the way, via the studio Facebook page, and see what new doodles the trip inspires.
Jan 30 - Mar 25
I'll be heading off on another travel adventure at the end of January. Hubby and I have decided to circumvent South America on a cruise ship! We're looking forward to seeing what exciting things this southern continent has to offer as we escape a cold Canadian winter. And you can bet my doodle juices will be flowing the entire time I'm away. Stay warm folks... and I'll be back at the end of March, ready to sell my whatnots yet again.